You'll be glad to know the short answer is no - you don't need any prior experience before beginning any of our flying lessons. However, there are a certain things you do need before starting which are:
- To be a minimum of 14 years old for most experiences (but please check the specific age requirements on each package)
- To be accompanied on the airfield by an adult if you're under 18
- To meet the minimum height and weight requirements
- To be fit and healthy to fly
- To be a minimum age of 17 to obtain a PPL (private pilot license)
- Enthusiasm to learn!
Flying schools across the country are used to taking complete beginners under their wing, and getting them comfortable in the skies from start to finish, with no prior experience. With your first lesson, you'll start off with the complete basics and then work your way up to more complex manoeuvres as you progress and clock up the hours.
Instructors will tailor every lesson to suit your specific needs and abilities, so there's no need to worry about needing prior experience before booking your first lesson. All you need is a willingness to learn and a passion for the skies!